About Those Photos


Many readers have asked why a song girl was airbrushed out of the team picture? You can compare the photos and notice the missing song girl in the lower left corner in the first row. We asked the athletic dept. and the official explanation is provided after the jump.


“After this year’s song girl photo was taken, Allison Daniels was offered an attractive business internship that conflicted with her ability to continue as a song girl. She had been a song girl for 2.5 years, so everyone agreed that the internship was such that it would
be beneficial to her business career if she took it. She was photoshopped out of the website photo so that fans wouldn’t be confused by seeing 14 girls in the web photo, but only 13 on the field. She still attends many song girl functions (as an interested
observer) when time permits to support the squad. And the Daniels legacy lives on as her younger sister, Stephanie, is on the current squad.”