Floyd News

We hear former USC basketball player Keith Wilkinson’s been hired by Tim Floyd as UTEP’s director of basketball operations.

4 thoughts on “Floyd News

  1. and scoops keep ooooooon comin’!

    Q: does anything happen in the world of sports related to Southern Cal that wolf does not get the scoop on?
    A: no

  2. So Keith Wilkinson goes on ESPN’s “Outside the Lines” to trash Mike Garrett and say that he “went off in front of the whole team” and then gets hired by Floyd, the Garrett basher extraordinaire?

    Interesting. I’m not going to take sides with Floyd, but I would bet that a lot of stuff eventually comes out about Garrett when he moves on.

  3. Of course he has, since he bad mouthed Garrett and SC. F him. He’s a punk. Hope he sticks with slick floyd. I won’t hire him.

  4. Charlie Bucket…

    Here is a scoop, Wolfie hasn’t gotten yet…Rodney Guillory has again been given full access to the locker room at UTEP. ha ha!

    Wolfie also hasn’t posted the link yet, but he was interviewed by ESPN for their OTL report of the clown, Mike Garrett.

    Charlie…keep the posts oooooooon comin’!! Where’s Yoda?

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