Compliance Dept. Break In

A suspect broke into USC’s compliance office in Heritage Hall and ransacked the inside on March 29th, according to the dept. of public safety. Now think of all the possible motives? Was someone searching for some sensitive information? Did someone want information related to the NCAA investigations? Was someone seeking revenge for being ruled ineligible?
But campus security’s report said a debit card was taken from an employees desk who learned three purchaes were made before he canceled the card.

7 thoughts on “Compliance Dept. Break In

  1. Here’s an idea: See if you can pay your editor over at the Daily News (maybe buy him lunch sometimes) and have him proof read your comments on this blog once in a while.

  2. occam’s razor might suggest simple theft by a fellow-employee that noticed the card was there. don’t think a physical break-in is how any criminal activity w/r/t the NCAA appeal – like retrieving or tampering with sensitive info – would play out.

  3. Compliance Break In Gate? Or how about a new segment; Who Said It, Pete Carroll or the Guy Who Broke Into the Compliance Dept.

  4. ThaiMex, you weren’t supposed to the use the card!!!

    Just drop it in a mailbox, geeeezus!

    This Op was not sanctioned by the Cadre Excutive Council! Oh boy are old man Bucket and Yoda gonna be pi$$ed!!!

  5. You know it was SlopeSpic and his lover Charlize who did it. They are looking to fabricate another story against the Trojans and get more sanctions.

    I bet Slicky Ricky paid them off!!

    Let’s send their asses to Afghanistan…

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