New York City has the right idea

New York City school officials are considering banning metal bats from the high school baseball programs.

Great idea.!
They are concerned about the velocity with which the ball comes off the bat and the potential for major injury.
Those opposed don’t believe metal bats are any more dangerous than wood bats.
The opposed also cite the cost factor, saying wood bats are more susceptible to breakage, and the replacement costs are greater.
As for the injury factor, anyone who doesn’t believe the ball comes off a metal bat with greater velocity isn’t paying attention. ‘Nuf said.
About the cost factor, yes, wood bats break, but with today’s prices for metal bats, you can probably buy a half dozen bats for what one metal bat costs.
Here’s hoping the New York city folk will follow through with its plans and the rest of the world will follow.
Bring back the crack of ball meeting bat and rid the game of the clang.

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