Patrow’s Dad Nixed Script

Gwyneth Paltrow still misses her father, who died three years ago. LA.COMfidential reports that last night, the pregnant actress mentioned him numerous times during a Q&A following a SAG screening of Proof in Beverly Hills’ Fine Arts Theatre. The film is about a young woman dealing with the death of her father, with whom she had a particular bond. Paltrow said that she herself was in grief over her own dad, Bruce Paltrow, during the making of the film, and she described her portrayal of Catherine, “I was very grave, dark, and utterly heartbreaking.” She adds, “I think I lost my sense of humor.” But then she told a funny story: When she was getting into the biz, around age 19, she considered a role in a Vanilla Ice film. She asked her father for advice on whether or not she should do the film, and he asked to see the screenplay. “There’s this part in the script where [Vanilla Ice] asks for my phone number,” she explained. “And I say, ‘555-6969′”—with emphasis on the 6-9—”and my father says, ‘Over my dead body.'”

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How Gwyneth has matured: now she does nude scenes.

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