Members of Mt. SAC women’s track team sue college, officials for alleged sexual harassment

Seven members of the Mt. San Antonio College women’s track team are suing the
school and several members of its athletics department, alleging they were
sexually harassed by an assistant coach for more than a year.

In a lawsuit filed Friday in Los Angeles Superior Court, the women accuse
assistant coach Carlos Moore of inappropriately touching them, holding them
against their will and then retaliating against them for refusing his advances.
To preserve their confidentiality, the women are identified only by their
initials in the suit.

The complaint says that the women began attending Mt. SAC as freshmen in
August 2010. The harassment began in September 2010 and continued for 18 months
through March of this year, the suit says.

The harassment allegedly occurred on and off campus, in person and by phone
and text message.

Read more in Justin Velasco’s story LAWSUIT.