CARA’s home sweet home

10954-caraoffice.jpgI visited the offices of the Community Alliance for Redevelopment Accountability last week.

CARA is the group that is opposed to Baldwin Park’s downtown development.

Their office is at 4248 Maine Street in Baldwin Park. The space is pretty large — about 1,200 square feet — and has been donated rent-free by Glendora resident Mark Cyr, who is also treasurer of CARA and longtime owner of Maine Avenue’s California Discount Glass.

For the most part, the office is empty except for a small space off to the side near the entrance with chairs, a desk and plenty of office supplies.

It feels very grass roots on the inside, except we shouldn’t forget that CARA is getting backing from some major heavy hitters — several statewide groups opposed to eminent domain.

In case you want to stop by, the office is at 4248 Maine Avenue. You can’t miss it….the “stop eminent domain” and “hands off my house” signs are right out front.