Chin’s prospects for foundation funding looking slim

Garvey School District Board of Education vice president Janet Chin is hoping to get $57,000 from the Rosemead City Council tonight, but she may walk away disappointed.

Chin is looking for funding for her organization, the M. Janet Chin Youth Foundation.

The city has about the requested amount left in its budget for community-based organizations, but the Rosemead Youth Association is also hoping for some support and city staff has recommended that the council reject Chin’s request for funds.

In addition to lacking the money, staff concluded that Chin’s organization would duplicate efforts already going on in the Parks and Recreation Department.

The funding would go to the Foundation’s Operation Civic Pride program that aims to increase civic engagement among young people. Chin says the program would complement city programs, not duplicate them. It would feature a volunteer database to provide young people opportunities to volunteer in the community, she said.