Galaxy Goalkeeper Wicks Traded to DCU

In a move that was expected, the Galaxy receive a conditional draft pick from D.C. United for 25-year-old Josh Wicks who made five rather shaky starts last season, but became superfluous to requirements with the signing of de facto No. 1 Donovan Rickets and the emergence of Josh Saunders.

Also, the Galaxy are finalizing (presumably developmental) contracts for youngsters A.J. DeLaGarza and Yohance Marshall.

And just to clarify, given Tony Sanneh’s inclusion in the new Galaxy media guide handed out today, it’s clear (just in case anyone had doubts) that he’s made the team. Of course, the likes of Josh Boateng and Brandon McDonald were listed in the media guide, too, and neither of them are on the roster now.

I’ll have more from Landon Donovan’s press conference at the Home Depot Center shortly.

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About Nick Green

South Bay-based Los Angeles News Group soccer columnist and blogger Nick Green writes at the 100 Percent Soccer blog at and craft beer at the Beer Goggles blog at Cheers!