Burfict v. Barkley

Apparently, Vontaze Burfict does not speak to the media in Arizona. But ASU coach Dennis Erickson spoke for him regarding Matt Barkley’s comment that he was a dirty player.
“If you are going to say something you better watch what you say and that is kind of what happened,” Erickson said.

7 thoughts on “Burfict v. Barkley

  1. Maybe Matt meant that Burfict just wasn’t using a strong enough soap. BTW, the gesture helping Barkley up was entirely classless. Sorry, that was just rubbing it in. Go to your sideline VB.

  2. Helping the kid up was classless? Are you kidding? Barkley was the one who is classless, he should shut his fat mouth and play. Oh wait, he chokes in the big game. Oh he’s great against Minnehaha ( who lost to So Dak State yesterday ) and The Cuz ( who should have lost to Toledo ), but he was average against Utah and he gagged last night big time.

    And no NOBS, he wasn’t sober and Vontaz can’t talk, period.

  3. I think Dewars Dennis has a selective memory. Must be all those brain cells he’s killed over the years. Next time he gets a haircut, he should make sure he doesn’t reek so his hair dresser can’t smell his ”perfume.” I’m sure he misses his days going back to San Jose State when the assistants took turns driving Martini Man Elway home. I can hear the skeletons rattling in that abandoned house that Dennis never bothered to clean out in Laramie after he left Wyoming. Oh Dennis, why don’t you mention in the ASU media guide that Jamie Christian, one of your assistants, also is your nephew? Great nepotism on your staff. Remember if you get fired, you take your family down with you! Your offensive coordinator won Saturday’s game for you. It wasn’t your knowledge that you gathered from clowns like red-nosed Jim Sweeney. And if you don’t think your linebacker is dirty, let some one take a similar shot at your quarterback. Good luck in the 2011 Who-Needs-It bowl.

  4. HAWR-HAWR!! helping up the Pious Passer was classless?? OMG that is priceless!!

    just because the trOXans are trained to not show sportsmanship, that shouldn’t mean they are too dam ingnorant to know it when they see it!!!

    maybe Vontaize was raised with manners to help a fat person get up off the floor! maybe he was congratulating the Pious One for a pretty good open field tackle!

    don’t be such sour-pussed idgits!

  5. From an ex-player for the New England Patriots:

    Bill Belichick’s rules for dealing with the media:

    1. Speak for yourself. Thats something Coach Belichick always said Dont worry about anyone elses situation, on another team or your team, always think about your job, doing your job, and commenting on that.

    2. Never talk about injuries. Never let them know if youre hurt or not hurt.

    3. Pour on the perfume. This is compliments. You want to spray that perfume on your opponent on Wednesday all the way through Saturday, and then get the job done on Sunday.

    4. Fall back on cliches. When in doubt, use the old safe cliche. You love those 100 percent, one day at a time.

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