So Is It Negative To Note Lane Kiffin’s Offense Does Not Work?

Not sure how else to spin this. Scholarship reductions, perhaps, that’s the new fallback line to any critiques of the team. This is one of the most inept offensive efforts in recent memory.

Will Kiffin take accountability after the game?

10 thoughts on “So Is It Negative To Note Lane Kiffin’s Offense Does Not Work?

  1. Lane Kiffin should be fired by sunrise. A three legged dog could quarterback this team to more points than this offense gets. You can’t even blame Kessler or Wittek… this is all on Kiffin.

    Start hunting for a new job dude.

  2. If Pat does not fire Kiffin then the President needs to fire Pat. Has anyone looked at the current recruiting picture? Almost as grim as Lane’s play-calling. Make Clancy interim coach and let him hire an offensive coordinator.

  3. What’s ironic is that while pUSC sinks to the bottom of the Pac-12 south cellar, and out of the top 25 (probably for good this year), UCLA got to sit home, watch one of the most ineptly played football games in recent memory–and move up in the polls due to losses by other top 25 teams.

  4. Matt Barkley carried Kiffin for three years. It is the story of Lane, someone is always carrying him. His daddy. Nrom Chow. Pete Carroll.

    When on his own or without Barkley (Oakland, the ND game 2010, ND 2012, the Sun Bowl and the first two games this year) he is an abject failure.

  5. Kiffen is a disease – a manifestation of fear versus a desire to win – and he needs to go, fast.

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