Lombardi interview

I just got about a half-hour of Q&A time with Dean Lombardi, so I’ll do my best to transcribe that tonight and start putting up the answers tonight or tomorrow morning. Thanks for all the good questions…I got answers from Dean about Bernier, the goaltending situation in general, the defense, Dave Lewis, his expectations for this season, which players he’s looking to step up, the health of Blake and Handzus (short answer: they’re fine) and what his biggest regret of the summer might have been. That’s what I can remember off the top of my head. So stay tuned…

Someone asked about the possibility of video interviews during the rookie camp. That’s something I’m seriously looking into. My company doesn’t give me a video camera, and if they did it would probably be something that records onto BETA tapes. But I’m looking into buying one of those little Flip video cameras, so the rookie camp might be a perfect time to try that out.

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