Murray, on style of play

I figured this question/answer was worth its own post because it might generate some discussion. This is where Terry Murray talks about how he would like to see the team play, and I think a good percentage of you will like the answer.

I’ve only transcribed about 30 of the 50 minutes, so there’s plenty more to come, resuming in the morning. Here’s the last part for tonight…
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Murray, on strength and toughness

Toughness seemed to be an area of great concerned in terms of the Kings, and Terry Murray talks about it here, in terms of his emphasis on having a well-conditioned team and the importance of having a team that doesn’t allow itself to get pushed around. Here’s what Murray had to say…
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Murray, on his first month

OK, here’s the first part of today’s interview with Terry Murray, who was gracious with his time and sat down with me for well over an hour. I tried to incorporate as many reader questions/topics as possible, but understand that the questions that were very player-specific will be better answered after the first week of training camp or so.

We’ll start off general here, with Murray talking about what his first month as Kings coach has been like…
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Rookie “tournament”

The rookie tournament, on hiatus last year because of the London trip, has returned, but not in El Segundo and not with four teams. The scaled-down version will include two games between the Kings and the Phoenix Coyotes at Arena in Glendale, Ariz. The games will take place Tuesday, Sept. 16 (6 p.m.) and Wednesday, Sept. 17 (2 p.m.) and are free to the public for anyone who wants to make the drive out there… Rosters will be announced at a later date.

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