WWE Diva and the $1 million ratings booster

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The World Wrestling Entertainment’s Get R.E.A.L. program brought WWE Diva Eve Torres, (pictured here) and superstar Elijah Burke to Santa Fe School in Baldwin Park on Tuesday, June 3, 2008. (SGVN/Staff Photo by Raul Roa/SVCity).

But, it was really WWE owner Vincent Kennedy McMahon making all the news Tuesday, announcing a $1 million giveaway to fans of Monday Night RAW.

From the Associated Press:

“People can view this as my own version of an economic stimulus plan to benefit our viewers,” McMahon told the AP.



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One thought on “WWE Diva and the $1 million ratings booster

  1. Nahh, take it from me – a wrestling expert. McMahon is doing this to draw ratings to his poorly rated show.

    Wrestling itself is taken a downturn in popularity to MMA. The former box office champion in pay per views now pales in comparison to the money guys like the UFC are making.

    And look at EliteXC’s ratings from Saturday night..those are numbers McMahon was getting in like, 1997.

    I think they need to turn John Cena heel (bad guy for the readers out there). It would be like when Hogan went heel back in 1996 and wrestling saw numbers it didn’t see since Hogan vs Andre The Giant in 1987. Vince says he won’t turn him though, because Cena’s merchandise is #1. Merchandise is #1, yeah, with eleventeens and women. 18-34 males are the audience he’s completely lost.

    Also, I think wrestling should go the route of changing styles a little bit. Ever see stuff like Ring of Honor or stuff like that? An MMA-based product with the storylines and soap opera could be just what the doctor ordered.

    It’s really a shame when your “top star” (John Cena) comes out and is booed heavily by the 18-34 male audience – the audience that Vince is losing to MMA.

    Basically, Vince is paying one lucky individual a week to watch his product.

    That’s like when I gave away free tickets to my wrestling shows.

    Basically the same thing.

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