Olympic Gold Medalist Quincy Watts Joins Track Staff

Quincy Watts of the U.S. sprints to a new Olympic

Former USC sprinter Quincy Watts, who won the 400 meters at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, was named a sprints coach by new track coach Caryl Smith Gilbert. The move should assure some track boosters uneasy about the lack of “Trojans” on the coaching staff.

9 thoughts on “Olympic Gold Medalist Quincy Watts Joins Track Staff

  1. being the curious guy that i am, i googled “Quincy Watts” and five days ago someone posted a question on “AOL Answers”…the question was: “Did Quincy Watts take hallucinogenic drugs?”

    the question was not answered. the person asking the question was “anonymous”. VERY DISTURBING.

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