Requiem for Jason’s Deli

A moment of silence, please.

The Riverside Jason’s Deli has closed.

We were big fans of the restaurant, and appreciated its strive to use ingredients free of high-fructose corn syrup and artificial flavors and colors. Oh, and the free ice cream. In fact, we even named it a Dine 909 favorite.

However, I can’t help but feel that the location was doomed from the start.

First of all, it was the only location in California, and other planned locations — including Upland and Corona, if memory serves — never materialized.

Secondly, perhaps the location itself was a bit too large. Even during our busiest visits, the restaurant was no more than half full.

Sadly, during our last visit there several months ago, the restaurant was nearly empty — albeit, we were there just before closing time — and looking a little shabby.

With the closing of the Riverside location, the nearest Jason’s is Las Vegas, where there are five.

Thank you, Jason’s Deli. You provided us with many delicious meals. We wish you could’ve stayed around longer.