Your Daily Beckham


But so many people either sent me or are linking to this little gem from one of England’s trashiest tabloids I felt compelled to exploit the story
um, get it on the record.

The deal won’t happen, even without considering the source.

If the wanna-be Real Madrid president planted this, it’s merely a ploy to win votes for the Spanish club’s highly-politicized presidential election. It’s common for candidates to make such promises to fans as in “I will bring you Kaka, Beckham and Josh Wicks.” Well, maybe not, but you get the idea.

Also, Becks has been there and done that (see also why he’ll leave the Galaxy this fall).

Almost equally as amusing is this cautionary tale for government bureaucrats who want to pander to the public.

And I loved this line at the end of the story: “Although a financial flop, the event is credited with helping to raise New Zealand’s international profile.”

How? As in being the latest schmucks to get taken in by the Beckham hype?

Finally, is it somehow comforting to know we can rely on The Hindustan Times to tell us this.

That is all. You may now resume your non-Beckham news consumption.

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About Nick Green

South Bay-based Los Angeles News Group soccer columnist and blogger Nick Green writes at the 100 Percent Soccer blog at and craft beer at the Beer Goggles blog at Cheers!