Wooden on reality TV?

John Wooden made another appearance this week. This time he was at the Hangar Athletic Xchange in Hawthorne for a press conference to kick off the new John Wooden Pyramid of Success Awards. The official ceremonies for the award are next month.
On a separate note, Wooden was interviewed by Tony Robbins and helped him for his new reality show, which is scheduled to air on NBC in January. On the show, Robbins works with distressed individuals and helps them find ways to cope and change their lives. He got Wooden to help with one of the men.
Wooden also has an appearance next week with executives from General Mills, so he’s been a busy man. He turns 99 in October.

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About Jill Painter

Jill Painter is a sports columnist for the Los Angeles News Group, covering everything from the Dodgers, Lakers, Clippers, USC, UCLA, Kings, golf and all human interest stories in sports.