Answer Wednesday! (SG Forum, Part 4)

More questions on the pressing issues of the day.

Q: Sharkeez Happy Hour said:
When will we see the ultimate battle of this generation – Amanda Pflugrad versus Keli Snyder?

A: It would be quite a battle based on the feedback, though I’d hate to turn two of the most popular figures here against each other.

Q: USCinema said:
As other commentators have quite correctly observed, Keli Snyder is clearly a “top one percenter.” During the period of 2000 to the present day, the 90 or so women who have masqueraded as USC Song Girls were, for the most part, bottom five percenters. So there is a major discrepancy between the beauty of Keli Snyder and what has been passed off as Song Girls during this decade. Obviously Keli’s beauty overemphasized the vast gap and chasm that existed in physical appearances between she and the rest of the Song Girls from this decade, which especially came into play when the embarrassing squads of this decade reappeared for Homecoming in November 2008. There they were – Keli Snyder and her beauty and all those embarrassing former Song Girls from the post-1999 era on the field at the same time.

Subsequently, could there possibly be another explanation then for why Keli Snyder was cut as a Song Girl a couple of weeks following Homecoming other than to make sure she no longer embarrassed the bottom five percenters who had become Song Girls this decade when they clearly did not deserve to ever wear the white sweater?

A: I really have no explanation for why she did not make it and when I spoke to her, she didn’t have one either. It’s a mystery to me. And apparently others. Maybe we’ll be able to get a comment from a selection committee member.