Dawson And Galippo

The change at middle linebacker tonight looks like a changing of the guard for the rest of the season.
“I’m not going to lie. I was surprised,” Galippo said. “I don’t agree with the decision.”

8 thoughts on “Dawson And Galippo

  1. I was excited to see the three frosh LBs start the game. This was the game to do it and not next week. Also, a great recruiting ploy by Kiffin to all interested recruits…you to can play your first year with us.
    This is the way to handle the next three years with the scholarship reductions…get them on the field and get some experience in them.Fight on!

  2. HAWR-HAWR!! Gallupo and his big fat yapper riding the pine!! way to go Montgomery Kiffin!!!

    after the way Galluop and his big fat yapper got pushed all over the field against Stanford, lets face it, he just quit on the trOXans!!

    this is the Sugar Sweeeeeeetest story of the week!!

    four, three, two, one,
    fat mouth gallupo is all done!!

    four, three, two, one,
    fat mouth gallupo is all done!!

    four, three, two, one,
    fat mouth gallupo is all done!!

  3. Is it just me, or did Dawson miss a few tackles resulting in a handful of 8-10 yard gains by Colorado? I noticed that a few times he failed to make the play when he should have. I just hope he’s ready to take on all of the resposibilities of middle linebacker by next season, and that he starts tackling better..

  4. Is it just me, or did Dawson miss a few tackles resulting in a handful of 8-10 yard gains by Colorado? I noticed that a few times he failed to make the play when he should have. I just hope he’s ready to take on all of the resposibilities of middle linebacker by next season, and that he starts tackling better..

  5. Dawson did miss a lot of tackles. The good news is that he’s only a freshman. I think one reason for the move is that Galippo is versatile and can play both outside and middle LB.

  6. Friends, Galippo is a wonderful kid but a mediocre linebacker at best. He is not quick and lacks the scent for the ball that middle linebackers must have. I’ll never fault his effort or team spirit but we can see he is not a dominating force in the middle so we might as well look to others now. And yes, Dawson was not great either but it was his first start. Tre Madden didn’t have a great game either and has a ways to go before playing like Bailey.

  7. I am not going to lie either… I saw Dawson miss tackles and ran himself out of plays… I personally saw it right on the 50 yard line at the game. BUT… I also saw his speed going after the ball-handler too. Pick your poison anyone!

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