27 thoughts on “T-Shirt Of Day

  1. Bahahahahahaha Fucla fans should wear the shirts with pride if they get printed! LMAO

  2. If they made one for UCLA, they would sell out in an hour to USC fans. “50-0” with a cardinal Sharpee would make them fun to wear.

  3. Does anyone know where/how I could get one of the USC T-shirts that the players were wearing last night. The ones that say “South Division Champions”

  4. I saw slopespic rocking his uCLA pac-12 south division champs shirt outside the game last night. Though it was hard to read as it was stained with bacon grease from this bacon wrapped hut dug cart…

  5. SUC owns, you better believe I will wear mine with pride, they should be available tomorrow at the UCLA student store, and you BET I will wear mine and proudly as I park in your parking complex and THRU your campus on my way to the Sport Arena for our basketball game. I can’t wait…and by the way, enjoy watching the Pac-12 South Champions play for a berth to the Rose Bowl – while NOBS bends over for your 2″ prick. ROTFLMAO

  6. Poor CerritosLob, the forever wannabe. Couldn’t make any thing out of his crappy life and now tries to make it thru the bruin sports program. Hows that basketball school thing working out for you Lob? You are now reduced to at very best,comic relief on this site. You have no credibility in anything other than your continued vulgar, crass comments above. Pac 12 South champs that will have to petition for a bowl game with NO head coach since he will be fired next weekend. Has anyone seen a team so throughly thrashed as the bruins last night. What a Christmans present. Laughin directly at you CerritosLob.How about some butt and penis stick figures now?

  7. SlobDusky, buy two and wrap your urn with one of them. hahahaha What a tool. And 500 bucks says you don’t even go to any of the bb games, although your anger management is as poor as @$$hole Reeves Nelson’s is. Birds of a feather…..

  8. LOL @ rob. Enjoy the sports arena. Enjoy the shirt. Enjoy being a low-life loser. Enjoy the humiliation of getting BEAT DOWN AGAIN by the Quacks that SC beat. Enjoy it all my man! Most importanly of all… ENJOY THE ASTERISK!!! Now get back to what you do best–drawing butt hole and dick figures.

    2011 Pac-12 South Champions! Fight on!

  9. Oh Lob – I forgot to ask? Who won the rivalry game between Cerritos and Alondra? C’mon Lob let’s se the the butt hole drawings now. Are you teaching the little Lob’s how to draw as well? Hope you had a nice Thanskgiving weekend Lob.

  10. that is a really nice looking t-shirt

    too bad their uniforms don’t display their colors and they have those stupid “wings” on the shoulder pads

    this is one Duck fan who is REALLY glad we don’t have to play USC again next week

    We’ll do it one year from now when Barkley is in the NFL and our freshmen CBs learn how to play the ball

    bad news for ucla: Ducks play their best and most inspired football against the worst teams

  11. Bruinslob said:

    “I hope that after today, you will think differently about my Bruins, and come to the realization that UCLA has made tremendous strides towards respectability in our city.”

    Lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Somebody call an ambulence. I think I’m having a heart attack!!!!!!!!!!! Lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. I wonder if lil’ Mario “the Screaming Eagle” Danelo wore his USC shirt when he used to go hang gliding? Or was that scream gliding? Ha!

  13. Robert,

    I do hope you park in our parking structure. It is always nice when USC makes some extra money, especially when those spending it are Bruins. Considering the rate of fundraising our prodigious Administration has commenced in the last couple of years, and the UC system hemorraging money, your donation to the University of Southern California is much appreciated. Of course, if you donated directly into the University’s general fund, it would be tax deductible. Just a thought.

    Enjoy next week! Fight On!

  14. NzeroBS, I concede that the real Nobs has posted many comments in equally poor taste, but these Danelo posts are just wrong.

  15. Expecting Scott to police this blog is unlikely. Still, I would note that NzeroBS is a complete loser, who is the definition of Internet muscles. He wouldn’t have the audacity to make his despicable comments to the Danelo family, a Trojan, or for that matter, anyone with an ounce of decency. Otherwise, I’m sure he’d be forced to swallow his teeth. If NzeroBS is truly representative of bRuin alumni/fans, ucla has far greater problems than a pitiful football team.

  16. Nobs, you have not been paying attention. I am solidly on the USC bandwagon, and have been since mid-way through last season! In fact, I was at the game this weekend. While I once thought that USC’s loss to Arizona during Pete’s last season was a message from God telling me to get off the bandwagon, I now realize that it was really just God telling Pete to take the Seahawks job.

    Nonetheless, Nobs, I should add that you have shown yourself to be a vile individual no better than the Bruin clown impersonating you.

  17. Enjoy watching the UCLA Bruins – The 2011 Pac-12 Southern Division Champions play for a berth in the 2012 Rose Bowl…eat your hearts out Losers!!! buahahahahahaa

    @TojanFamily, it is my pleasure to donate $20.00 for parking in the complex that three of my nephews had a lot do with the building of it.

    So you hater keep in on hating my Champion Bruins if you may…so to the haters I say:
    Taste it!! :p(__!__)
    Lick it!! :>(__*__) and
    Suck it!!! 8====D O:
    Swallow it!! 8===D~O:

  18. There it is. It’s what you do best. Kinda like your Bruin football team, huh? Taste it, lick it, suck it… I think they do all of the above.. and you watch evvery week! Hahaha, fight on bobby!

  19. Ps. Why do you come here at times trying to act civilized and decent when we all know (including yourself) that you’re a piece of low-life trash? You just come back like a child with your cute butt hole and penis drawings after apologizing and acting like a little wuss. Are the drawings on the wall of your mom’s basement (your bedroom) just as good?

  20. HEY! Someone call Scott! BruinRob is drawing his offensive doodles again!

    Well here’s one for Super Mario:

    |h! |>
    | | /
    o-|-< \=====|=======/ wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww\____|______/wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

  21. Oh Dang it! My picture’s formatting got all screwed up when I Submitted! It was really good too: Super Mario falling into the drink (well it was actually rocks I think) and I drew a boat too.

    @How Does: I see you are super angry at my posts. Just so I understand, you object because Super Mario is a Trojan? Or is it the family of any decedent seeing an offensive post, that you object to?

  22. @ NzeroBS. I’m definitely not angry. I’m just embarassed for you.

  23. NZerobs is a clown just like SlobDusky, and I’ll bet they are the same person. Tools.

    WEBfoot, don’t kiss my @$$, you are a total tool trying to get sympathy so you don’t get schooled every time you post.

  24. SlobDusky, the urn is full of urine and $h!t. I’ll return it to you mantle this afternoon. “Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, we hate to beat you but we must we must. When your up….nevermind”

  25. USC Pac-12 Champions 2011!!! Beat Oregon, absolutely humiliated Fucla, hence… Trojans win conference ON THE FIELD despite probation and sanctions!! So ARROGANT! Bahahahahaha enjoy Autzen, Ruins!! FIGHT ON!!!

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