Former USC Linebacker Osa Masina Accepts Plea Deal

Former USC linebacker Osa Masina plead guilty to three misdemeanor charges and will not go to trial in his felony rape case. Masina will be sentenced Dec. 5. Each misdemeanor charge carries up to a year in jail. Masina’s lawyer hopes he will receive probation. Full story here.

27 thoughts on “Former USC Linebacker Osa Masina Accepts Plea Deal

  1. Probation! What a F**king judicial joke.

    This puke bozo u FB cretin videotaped a drunk, passed out female as he violated her with coke bottle and then published the ugly, hateful video on Youtube.

    Does goop approve of this?

    • Did he tell the victim to put some ice on her lip like your hero Clinton did after he violated Juanita Broaddrick? Save your moral outrage, Harvey Weinstein breath!

      • No clue, what does F**k News propaganda line claim – spit it out 22.

        Only another bozo u cretin would ask a question like that. No doubt Messina’s video loops on your cell so you can enjoy the conquest spectacle 20 – 30 times a day. Here Pu88y, Pu88y.

        As far as I know I haven’t praised Weinstein’s vile behavior, in fact, he should have been busted a years ago. I don’t know the man.

        Same goes for bozo u VP David Carrera who was recently fired by Slapsy Maxie, after dozens of S*xual harassment complaints by his female colleagues prove conclusive.

        The question is why did it take so long after the dozens of SH complaints to fire and eliminate the stench Mr. Carrera’s behavior?

        Apparently at bozo u, dozens of female SH complaints don’t indicate smoke of a vile, Slapsy Maxie/bozo u AH VP.

        • As far as I know you pretended Weinstein didn’t exist until you were shamed into responding, you know, just exactly like your idols Hillary and Obama did. Hillary and Obama pleaded ignorance, even though Hillary and Obama had NSA and FBI files on that perv and knew exactly who he had molested but took the money anyways. And your beloved NBC had the story and refused to run it because Weinstein was such a powerful Democrat . You really have your head in the sand, Ostrich.

  2. I can’t say that I’m disappointed he won’t do 25 to life, but the guy made out like a bandit. Talk about skipping.

  3. What an unfortunate situation. I hope USC and all other schools spend some time with incoming freshmen illustrating how a promising career can be crushed by horrible choices like these. (And they should do the same with incoming coaches re: Tony Bland’s case – should have been a top coach for next 30 years – now persona non grata – over 9 grand? what a waste)

      • It’s apparently necessary, sadly. “Don’t take a bag of money…. Don’t steer players to agents. Not even for 9 grand.” You’d think that would be common sense… but we’re not dealing with rocket scientists here.

    • There will still be moron football players who think that they can do whatever they want since that’s how they were treated in high school. He’s definitely paying for his idiotic choices.

  4. I have no idea what evidence/testimony the DA had but sounds like it was a weak case if it’s dropped to misdemeanor.

  5. Masina beat all the felony stuff when the judge gutted the prosecution’s case with pretrial evidentiary rulings. Good legal work by his attorneys.

  6. Can’t imagine the Weinstein issue won’t lead to a stiffer penalty. The public wants this sort of thing hammered. Guess it’s only cool when Bill Clinton does it.

  7. Speaking of crimes:

    Did anyone notice that no bRuin was ejected for targeting last week? Also, the bRuins did not injure an opposing QB last week either.

  8. Well, just maybe somebody should tell girls not to get so intoxicated that they don’t know what’s going on. There is a least a small amount of culpability on that side as well. I truly hope (and am fairly confident) that my daughters would not put themselves in that situation.

    • Sure those girls shouldn’t drink too much because they should all know if they do any real man around is sure to violate them with a coke bottle & film it & post it.
      What a dolt you are, dude.

  9. ANOTHER scandal at SoCal? David Carrera?
    Someone needs to do a study on how SoCal became such a complete dirt magnet.
    This could be a great sociological study because the history of dirty dealings at South Central wouldn’t even make a believable Soap Opera.
    What a completely perfect and highly entertaining dumpster fire.
    When SoCal loses to Utah the earth may just open up and swallow Fast Max and his hoard of henchmen.

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