Sergio Martinez banged up in win

Sergio Martinez, one of the middleweight world champions, likely won’t fight for the rest of this year because of injuries sustained in his title defense against Martin Murray this past Saturday, his promoter told

Martinez retained his belt with a unanimous decision over Murray, of England, in Martinez’s native Argentina. Promoter Lou DiBella said Martinez came out of it with an injured right knee, a broken left hand and a cut over his left eye.

“He’s probably out for the rest of the year,” DiBella told “I just can’t see him returning this year. He probably needs another surgery to remove scar tissue from the knee and he needs more time to rehab it than he gave it after the Chavez fight.”

Martinez suffered an  injury to the same knee in his victory over then-middleweight champion Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. in September 2012 in Las Vegas.

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