Inland Empire books

After a comment from reader Bob Terry about Z for Zanja, in which he referenced the tome “Windows in an Old Adobe,” I heard from another Bob, reader Bob House. He writes:

“Mention of ‘Windows in an Old Adobe’ got me to revisit the Inland Empire section of my bookshelf to find ‘A World of Its Own’ by Matt Garcia, ‘Claremont: A Pictorial History’ by Judy Wright, ‘Mexican Serenade’ by Pauline Deuel (about the Padua Hills Theater and Players), ‘Pomona Queen’ by Kem Nunn and ‘Sleeping Giant: An Illustrated History of Southern California’s Inland Empire’ by Rob Wagner (and published by the Daily Bulletin).

“I’d really like to hear what other books about or set in the Inland Empire you and other readers may have or know about.”

There are a fair number of city histories, Bob, although to be candid, most leave an awful lot to be desired in the readability department. We can only hope my colleague Joe Blackstock writes a history someday; as his Daily Bulletin columns prove, he not only knows his history, he knows how to research and he can write, too. Most of our history writers, bless ’em, can do only one or two out of the three.

That said, a few of the books on my shelves: Charles Phoenix’s “Cruising the Pomona Valley”; Don Clucas’ “Light Over the Mountain,” about Cucamonga, and “Upland, a Century of Community”; Ruth Austen’s “Ontario” and William King’s “Pomona,” two coffee table books; Gloria Ricci Lothrop’s “Pomona, a Centennial History”; and another Bulletin-published book, “Witness to a Century,” by Blackstock and Wagner.

Anyone want to add to the list?

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