The blog is back! (cue trumpets)

Whew! This blog vanished for almost two weeks, as you may have noticed. I know some of you did because three of you emailed about it. The page was completely blank. The white space was not exactly soothing. Was 15 years of effort here (the blog began in 2009) down the drain?

IT got on it and, thankfully, the problem was simply a plug-in that had expired. That was updated, which restored everything. Double whew.

However, the blog has gone down a couple of times in the past, and there’s always the chance the blog will go down permanently. If so, I hope arrangements can be made in advance to shift activity elsewhere with notice of a new address. A lot of valuable material is here!

I can’t say I’m adding much to the valuable material at this point. Blogs kind of had their moment, and then people moved on to Facebook groups, where they can bash out a quick, misspelled comment. (Ha!) And now that I’m driving hither and yon for my columns there isn’t time to contribute here much, other than posting column links and a monthly Reading Log.

It can be hard for me to remember the period when I had time to spend a couple of hours writing Restaurant of the Week reviews and other posts. It’s just a pleasant memory now. Times change.

But this blog is still a good place for me and possibly for you. If nothing else, it’s somewhere where you can easily find my columns without being on social media. If you still check in here, thank you!

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