Temple City coach Randy Backus fights back from prostate cancer

Our prayers are with you – Let’s all wish coach Backus a healthy and speedy recovery. Keep fighting the fight coach. I was at a Temple City baseball game in 2003 when my dad called to tell me had prostate cancer. It was devastating news, but he had the surgery, stays on top of his health, and is looking and feeling as good as ever. I know you’ll be back soon, this is just a small bump in the road.

Temple City football coach Randy Backus learned he had prostate cancer over the summer, but waited until this week to tell his football team. Backus underwent prostate cancer surgery on Monday and will be out indefinitely.
“I’ve heard everything from two weeks to two months,” Temple City athletic director John Van De Veere said.
Van De Veere described Backus’ procedure as successful.
“I talked to his wife today and the surgery seemed to be successful and they won’t find out until Thursday if they got it all. Our prayers and wishes are with him, and we’re going on from there.”
In a season where the Rams have struggled with an 0-3 record and lost their top running back to injury, to be without their head coach is not only disappointing, but disheartening.
According to Van De Veere, Backus found out about the cancer during a routine physical over the summer.
Backus, in his 13th season with the Rams, did his best to keep it a private matter until announcing it to the team over the weekend.
“It’s something that we didn’t want to distract the kids with and they’ve had a hard time,” Van De Veere said. “They lost Mike Mooney and Williams Do got hurt a couple of weeks ago. And now Randy’s gone down, so the kids are going through some trying times.”

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