Virginia To CWS Finals

VIRGINIAVirginia, the team that eliminated USC from the NCAA Tournament, defeated Florida and will face Vanderbilt on Monday in the championship series. It is a rematch of last year’s finals. Photo/Omaha World-Herald

20 thoughts on “Virginia To CWS Finals

  1. Well So. Ca will have a possible chance to say their Baseball team was eliminated from the regional playoffs by the eventual CWS Champs.

    • This USC team won’t do what it takes to win it all. We pumped McGuire with so many drugs, police dogs would jump out of cop cars and chase our bus down the street.

      Freddy, remember Dr. Sawbones?????


      • Rod…..You got style….I’m a gonna recommend you be admitted to the Cadre’s pool of candidates without the usual background checks, ESSAY’S, and letters of recommendation. Something tells me you’ve got what it takes.
        fit ung…..

      • Glaus roidded too but just like it was with Billy Don Jackson – Troy wasn’t a McGuire.

  2. Well at least I can cheer for my ‘now’ local home town favorite…moved to central virginia 11 years ago…

      • It just may be,I was born in Long Beach in 1943,lived my first 61 years in So.Calif…daughters had vball scholarships back here,and being retired picked this state;it is ‘all ‘ green,except N.Va…it is like L.A. traffic wise, but still a lot of green;lots of lakes,rivers and streams,homes 1/2 the price of So.Calif…taxes are less ,but of course being retired,wish they were lower…

  3. Off Topic
    5* DT Marvin Wilson from Texas named his top two schools with USC his second choice listed after LSU
    Adoree Jackson was named the CFB’s most versatile player by NFLcom.

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