Photos: Students at Dalton Elementary in Azusa dress up as historical people for ‘Wax Museum’ event

Above, fifth grader Ricardo Quitl, 10, takes his position as George Washington.
Above, fourth grader Jazmin Davis, 10, as Tamsen Donner.
Above, fifth grader Erick Miller, 11, as Patrick Henry.
Above, Raymond Lopez, 10, waves his friend’s flag in a fifth-grade classroom at Dalton.
Students, above, pack up after the Famous People Wax Museum event.

Azusa is opposing governor’s budget

This just in from Azusa:

The Board of Education of the Azusa Unified School District has passed a resolution opposing the Governors 2008 budget.  The Board and the Districts four employee associations including the Azusa Educators Association, Azusa Chapter 299 of the California Classified Employees Association, Azusa Management Association and the Azusa Federation of Adult Educators signed the joint resolution.

The resolution points out that under Governor Schwarzeneggers budget Azusa Unified schools would lose $340,000 in the current fiscal year due to mid year cuts and $6.4 million in 2008-09 due to the suspension of Proposition 98.

In recent years, Azusa Unified has cut more than $3.5 million, which has affected the purchase of textbooks, teacher training, and class size.  The Board noted that California spends $1,900 less per student than the national average.

The resolution points out that the budget reductions are inconsistent with the states goal to improve student achievement, at a time when our students are making progress meeting rigorous state and federal education standards.