Reality coming to Chino Hills


Reality TV — the show “New York Goes to Work” — is due at the Archibald’s burger restaurant in Chino Hills on Wednesday. Here’s the Wikipedia page for the series.

My former colleague Joe Florkowski said he went to Archibald’s on Sunday with his grandfather (what a good grandson Joe is) and saw the accompanying sign on the door. I was confused by the sign until Joe explained that “New York” is the star’s nickname.

It’s unclear if Tiffany “New York” Pollard will be there or has already been there; the Wikipedia page indicates she’s already passed her fast food test. Well, drop in Wednesday and try to act natural.

Joe adds: “What do you think if I changed my name to ‘Chino Hills’ and visited New York? I think that would blow everyone’s minds!”

I told him he should change his name to Chino Hills even if he doesn’t visit NYC.

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