‘Fathers of the Ontario Airport,’ ONT

You may have passed this mural yourself in Terminal 2, the Southwest Airlines terminal, at Ontario International Airport. It’s at a bend after a couple of restaurants and pays tribute to the credited founders of Ontario’s airport, Archie Mitchell, left, and Waldo Waterman. “Fathers of the Ontario Airport” was installed in 1998 when the terminals opened and was crafted by artist Richard Wyatt from ceramic tiles.

Waterman and Mitchell established the Ontario Aircraft Corporation and Latimer Field, the start of Ontario’s role in aviation, in 1923, a city history says. Waterman’s air shuttle service began operation on June 21, 1924, according to a 2014 column by Joe Blackstock. Waterman was named to the International Aerospace Hall of Fame in 1968. Mitchell was city attorney and later a Superior Court judge, with a story Blackstock explored in 2008.


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