Column: How Ontario reacted to JFK’s assassination 60 years ago today

JFK’s assassination caused a scramble at the Ontario Daily Report, but the late-morning news was able to be included in the evening edition Nov. 22. The next two issues offer a window into the immediate impact on daily life. I offer some highlights and perspective in my Wednesday column, appearing Nov. 22, 2023, 60 years to the day later.

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Column: Bus line will accelerate change on Holt Blvd.

You may have read about the upcoming West Valley Connector rapid bus that will travel from Pomona through Ontario and Montclair to Rancho Cucamonga. It turns out that it’s going to have a big impact on a few blocks of East Holt Boulevard in Ontario, where 22 structures in a seven-block stretch will be demolished. Currently many are boarded up. I delve into that in a rather sober Friday column.

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Column: Feinstein helped return ONT to IE’s hands

As senator, Dianne Feinstein helped facilitate the transfer of Ontario International Airport to local control, which took place in 2016. I pay tribute to that act, as well as offer advice — and chastisement — to those who say they didn’t know that a certain star (or Starr) was coming to Ontario, plug a screening of a movie shot in mid-1990s La Verne and share a vignette from Upland, all in my Friday column.

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Column: Help! Column on Ringo gets drumbeat of criticism

My column about Ringo’s poorly attended concert in Ontario did not go over well with his fan base. Asks one irritated reader: “How many concerts has the author sold out?” I excerpt my mail and social media comments, and reply, in my Friday column. It’s rare that I get enough outraged reaction to fill a column, given my topics, but when I do, I love rounding it up like this. It’s a chance to challenge myself to come up with terse responses that are funny but not mean, or at least are less mean than the comments themselves.

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