Walnut Valley Women’s Club installs garden of pinwheels to fight child abuse

In support of National Child Abuse Prevention Month, the Walnut Valley Women’s Club planted a garden of pinwheels at Los Angeles County Fire Station 61 at the corner of Lemon Avenue and La Puente Road in Walnut on Saturday.

The garden was done by Project Manager Joe Hahn,  with help from Jerry Burgh and Ray Sevilla.

The pinwheels will remain throughout the month of April. “Pinwheels for Prevention,” is a program that promotes the message that “All children deserve an equal chance to thrive and grow.”

LA County Supervisor Don Knabe asks residents to plan emergency needs

A message from Los Angeles County Supervisor Don Knabe

This past weekend, we had yet another reminder of the need to have a plan and be prepared in the event of an emergency.  The 5.1 earthquake near La Habra fortunately did not result in major damages.  Like many of you, we had items fall from shelves at my house, but luckily no one was hurt.

The County has a detailed plan in place and our emergency responders train frequently.  But the reality is that if something major happened, they could not be everywhere.  That is why it is so important that families are prepared and neighbors look after each other.

Of course we all KNOW we should be prepared and we talk about having a plan and emergency needs set up, but too often busy lives get in the way and it just doesn’t happen.

I encourage you to set aside some time to prepare.  The County has tons of resources to help you, from signing up for notifications, to brief checklists or what to do if you have special needs.  Please take the time to learn more here: http://www.espfocus.org/

Have a great week.

 Supervisor Don Knabe


San Gabriel Valley YMCA plans Good Friday prayer breakfast

The San Gabriel Valley YMCA will hold its 36th annual Good Friday prayer breakfast at 7 a.m. on April 18 in the South Hills Country Club at 2655 South Citrus Ave. in West Covina.

The Rev. Betsy Straeter of Glendora’s Glenkirk Church will be the featured speaker. Seats are $15 each.

“We see the Good Friday Breakfast as a way for a people in our community who might not otherwise meet to come together and share a meal and fellowship,” said YMCA CEO Craig Cerro. The breakfast traditionally includes clergy from different churches in the East San Gabriel Valley as speakers.

The Good Friday Breakfast is sponsored by Foothill Transit and the Tennant Foundation. All proceeds from the breakfast will go towards the San Gabriel Valley YMCA’s program scholarship fund help needy families afford Y programs.

For more information or to register for the breakfast, call the San Gabriel Valley YMCA at 626-339-6221 or e-mail mborer@sgvymca.org.