Video: Mike Fafaul, Darren Andrews, Bolu Olorunfunmi

Quarterback Mike Fafaul talks about starting for Josh Rosen and UCLA’s 27-21 loss to Washington State.

Receiver Darren Andrews talks about the frustrations on offense and sticking together as a team.

Running back Bolu Olorunfunmi talks about simplifying the running game and being “close” but not “there” on offense.

Video: Darren Andrews, Jayon Brown, Conor McDermott

Receiver Darren Andrews talks about having fun on offense, being as consistent as possible and talking up Theo Howard before his touchdown.

Linebacker Jayon Brown talks about facing Arizona State, his fellow linebacker Kenny Young and putting everything together for the Bruins on offense, defense and special teams.

Offensive lineman Conor McDermott talks about the running game, what Andre James bring to the offensive line, and McDermott’s on-going crusade to make Josh Rosen love country music.

Video: Josh Rosen, Nate Starks, Rick Wade, Darren Andrews

Quarterback Josh Rosen talks about facing Stanford, why he struggled against BYU and finding rhythm with Darren Andrews.

Running back Nate Starks talks about coming back after missing two games, the potential of the entire running backs group and handling Stanford’s defense.

Defensive lineman Rick Wade talks about his first career sack, going against Stanford’s jumbo package and the progression of the defensive line.

Wide receiver Darren Andrews talks about who gets to be McCaffrey in practice and turning into a go-to guy.

Video: Josh Rosen, Darren Andrews, Scott Quessenberry press conference

Quarterback Josh Rosen talks about his feeling when watching Texas A&M tape, what he said to Noel Mazzone after the game and how he plans to improve for this weekend.

Receiver Darren Andrews talks about how his unit performed against Texas A&M and what impresses him about Kenny Walker.

Center Scott Quessenberry talks about playing in his first game since 2014, that one unfortunate snap in the fourth quarter and when Rosen buys him and the other linemen Chipotle.