Column: ’29!’ sculpture punctuates artist’s pride in his town

Chuck Caplinger designed a piece of public art in Twentynine Palms: two numbers and a piece of punctuation, 7 feet high, that reads “29!” It’s become a much-photographed town icon. There’s talk now of moving “29!” to a better location. I talk with Caplinger about his inspiration and love of the desert for my Friday column.

Whew, I interviewed him in April while in the desert for a long weekend off, but didn’t really have a chance to write it until now. I’m relieved to have this (as well as columns on Cal Jam, Sam Maloof’s protege, the LA County Fair art exhibit and a few other holdover items) finally done and out in the world, just as I’m taking a break for vacation. I can return with an almost clean slate.

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Column: Silent Book Club chapters launch (softly) in IE

Silent Book Clubs are spreading around the world. Designed to avoid assigned reading and small talk, you bring your own book, read silently and afterward can discuss your book, or not. I attended the first meeting of the Twentynine Palms chapter last Sunday while up there for a getaway. A Redlands chapter started the same day and a chapter in Rancho Cucamonga began last December. I write about the concept (and my book choice) in my Sunday column.

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Column: This bookstore gives imagination free rein

Space Cowboy Books in Joshua Tree is a whimsically named store specializing in science fiction, but with a stock of westerns too. Also, fiction, poetry and more. I visited last month while in the area and interviewed owner Jean-Paul Garnier about science fiction, life in the desert and being a small-businessman during COVID. That story makes up my Sunday column. Finally, the third and final column from my vacation a month ago is done — whew. What can I tell you, local news kept intruding.

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Column: In desert, good news is in the wind for bistro, museum

More about Joshua Tree, as the lauded restaurant La Copine secures its future by buying its building (a curious cat is involved) and the Noah Purifoy museum gets a $100,000 arts grant. Also, desert-scented soap is purchased and old-school country music is heard, all in my Friday column, my second of three dispatches from the desert. Look for Part 3 sometime soon.

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Column: A Fiat must really be foreign in Joshua Tree

My latest column begins with an anecdote from my mini-vacation involving my car that I liked but that I’d cut from my first column for space reasons. Then we segue into reader comments on my columns about Joshua Tree, its national park and the bookstore in Twentynine Palms. It all ends with an item from Upland — that involves the desert. All that is in Sunday’s column.

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