Column: Palm Springs: art, film, food, desert plants, laughs

I spent a few days in Palm Springs, visiting museums, restaurants, coffee shops and the botanic garden. The good times started at check-in, where the desk clerk saw from my ID that I live in Claremont and asked: “Don’t they have a junior college there?” My weekend getaway was off to an excellent start, and it’s the subject of my carefree Sunday column.

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Column: Campaign to save Plaza Theatre nears finish

Have you ever seen Palm Springs’ Plaza Theatre downtown, or been inside? The 1936 theater has been closed since 2014. But a “Save the Plaza Theatre” campaign is close enough to its $16 million goal that construction bids may go out next month for a renovation that will allow the theater to reopen. I got a tour for my Sunday column.

A short backstory: I’d noticed the theater on my two previous visits and followed the campaign online from afar. Before my visit earlier this month, I looked for updates, saw that things had really picked up steam and thought the timing would be better for a column. My thinking was that surely some of my readers, especially in Riverside County, would know the theater. So I emailed the campaign to gauge the interest in coverage by the Press-Enterprise (etc.) and got an affirmative reply within an hour.

This is the first time I’d set up an interview in the Palm Springs as a vacationing journalist, and I have to say it was a success.

I still have one more Palm Springs column to write based on more reporting from my visit. Look for that soon.

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Column: ’50s newspaper thriller ‘Scandal Sheet’ delivers

I was going to Palm Springs anyway, for what has become my annual visit, but I made a point of finally attending the Arthur Lyons Film Noir Festival, an annual weekend of noir thrillers, purely to see a newspaper-themed movie. It was great fun. Also, the weather in Palm Springs was just how I like it, and you will find more from Palm Springs in my columns shortly, in a mini-preview of coming attractions. That’s my Sunday column.

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